ArtsWok Collaborative

We are an arts-based community development organisation that recognises the creativity and agency within individuals and communities to generate change.

We believe in collaborating to imagine and develop thriving communities in a sustainable society. Since 2012, we have done this through the creative producing of innovative projects that demonstrate the power of the arts for change, the capability development of growing practitioners in our field, and researching and advocating for arts-based community development.

As intermediaries, facilitators and creative producers crossing sectors, we connect people, ideas and resources; bringing art-making, community building, and civic participation together in a meaningful way.


Inclusive communities that allow the full expression of human potential.


To nurture thriving communities by harnessing the power of the arts to create dialogue, invite social participation and build bridges across difference.

Company Values

Harnessing strengths and sharing resources through processes that foster mutual respect, shared decision-making, honesty, and open communication.

Connecting with others by maintaining an openness, suspending judgement, and listening deeply.

Permitting time and space to play, fail, imagine, and experiment.

Recognising everyone has strengths and abilities to be agents of change and to be equipped to realise their potential.


In our work, there are certain competencies that come into practice day to day. Here are five competencies which we recognise as key to what we do.

Mascot for Bridging competency. Illustration Credit - Anngee Neo


We connect and collaborate with people from different disciplines. This involves translating vocabularies from different fields, facilitating meaningful communication, and new understanding to emerge.

Mascot for Listening competency. Illustration Credit - Anngee Neo


We practise deep listening to understand and elicit different views, often on challenging issues. This creates safe space to ask critical and insightful questions, which can then lead to creative solutions.

Mascot for Advocating competency. Illustration Credit - Anngee Neo


We generate awareness and understanding of the contribution of arts and cultural approaches to working in, and with communities leading to various outcomes. We are interested in growing the field of Arts-Based Community Development.

Mascot for Developing competency. Illustration Credit - Anngee Neo


We create and experiment in our work as creative producers to develop innovative programmes and practices that contribute towards community development. These methodologies and learnings are shared with other practitioners through training and mentoring opportunities.

Mascot for Researching competency. Illustration Credit - Anngee Neo


We believe in the importance of research, especially if it is grounded in lived experiences to undergird the work we do. In turn, we also understand our practice as research, and aim to constantly critically reflect, document and engage with others on our work.

Flagship & Signature Programmes

Both Sides, Now has been our flagship programme for the last decade. Our signature programmes include ArtsWok Learning Forum, ArtsWok Greenhouse Sessions, and The Greenhouse Lab.

Financial Statements

ArtsWok Collaborative Limited is a company limited by guarantee with IPC status (UEN: 201432448C), and is supported by the National Arts Council’s Major Company Scheme since 2021 in recognition of our role in building Singapore’s arts and culture ecosystem.