• 27 August 2024

    Be inspired by the stories of self-discovery, courage, and connection from the senior collaborators of Both Sides, Now at Yishun. Their experiences, collated by Lead Artist Salty Xi Jie Ng, highlight the transformative power of the arts to view life with new lenses following our long-term community development project.

  • 5 July 2024

    Recalling how she fostered meaningful relationships with the members of the Wellness Kampung, Assistant Artist Stacy Huang unveils the challenges of blending into the community. In navigating this transient sense of belonging, she embraced the boundary-crossing role — finding new ways to engage and communicate with various project stakeholders.

  • The eight senior collaborators, artists, and team members of ArtsWok Collaborative in the community's centre.
    24 May 2024

    Through encountering many small yet profound interactions during the "tides" community exhibition, Salty reveals the essence of a community development project. Likening it to a thriving ecosystem, the supportive networks fostered the successful culmination of the year-long project. Still, Salty wonders if the project ever really ends, given these ongoing relationships.

  • Eight senior collaborators standing on the shore.
    26 February 2024

    As the community exhibition "tides" draws closer, Salty reflects on the inspiration and processes behind each artwork — reminiscing on their collective journey towards living well, and leaving well. In realising the senior collaborators’ unique perspectives and passion for end-of-life matters, this project journal post reveals the year-long journey of excavating the taboos of death through meaningful conversations.

  • Artswok Both Sides, Now Yishun stakeholders' conversations with Salty Xie talking to two other people in a room
    17 November 2023

    In her second Project Journal post, Salty touches on the realities of working on a project that takes a community development approach. As Salty leads the seniors on their individual projects, she shares how she grapples with the challenge of having a myriad of expectations from different stakeholders and the race against time.

  • 2 November 2023

    What is Community Art? As our intimate conversations at Wellness Kampung @ 765 Nee Soon Central progresses, curiosity is afloat. In this project journal, Stacy Huang explains what community art means to her and how this project has enabled the senior collaborators to express their deepest reflections and contemplations on living and dying.