How has Japan's Toride Art Project managed to create an atmosphere of openness and inclusion through its programmes? Read our article based on our recent learning journey to Japan.
Join us for this inaugural podcast episode in which Charlene Rajendran and Justin Lee, our Board Members, join our Co-Founder and Executive Director Su-Lin to share their insights on the past, reflections on the present and their vision for future of arts-based community development.
This report provides an overview of play through the lens of research, and concretise how play looks like in Singapore through three case studies
Institute of Policy Studies researchers analysed ArtsWok Collaborative's projects as local exemplars of arts-based community development.
What is community development? ArtsWok racked the brains of our collaborators and partners from different fields of practice and put their rich responses together.
What is the relationship between art and community development? What place does the artistic voice occupy within the latter?